Scary and beautiful

But not at the same time.

The nightmare and the dream I had last night had something in common: a ghost.

In the nightmare, a close friend of mine was being haunted by a man who kept screaming her name with a scary robotic voice. I woke up suddenly, with the strange voice still in my head.

I do wake up sometimes because I hear a voice screaming my name, or someone else’s.

Maybe I can’t wake up early because I don’t want to give up on my morning dreams:

I was in India, with a friend who is really in India now (or Pakistan), and a lynx. In fact, I am the lynx (too long to explain). We were near Benares (I couldn’t wait to get there), on the shores of a lake that ended in a long waterfall. We knew people had died in this waterfall because there were hidden stairs underneath, and people would break there neck on them. I put the lynx on an airmat and in the water, and forgot about the waterfall. Suddenly, my friend ran toward me and told me the lynx had fallen in the waterfall. We went and picked him up, fortunatly he wasn’t too badly hurt. Now the lynx wasn’t a lynx anymore, he was a very handsome young man. This trip was his last one before getting married. I was not pleased by him marrying another woman. We sat down on stairs, and they turned out to be the stairs underneath the waterfall, only there was no water. There was a sort of tide in the lake, and we knew the water would come back, we had to leave rather soon. My friend left, and I started to chat with the lynx/man. We had such a nice moment that we forgot about the water. And surely enough, we heard the water coming back, and felt it run down our backs as we were still sitting on the ancien stairs. We left, tried to find a restaurant were the food would be safe, and found my friend again. She was back on the lakeshore. Indian people were putting flowers in the water. We took a handfull of them and hugged them. The lake disappeared, and we were on a cliff. There was a sort of wall, and we sat on it. Suddenly, a buddhist monk came to me and made a gesture indicating I should follow him. He seemed concerned. We both ran for a while, and then he showed me something at the bottom of the cliff. His body. He had fallen off the cliff and wanted someone to find him. I heard sounds behind me, turned around and saw that villagers had been looking for him. They thanked me. The monk had disappeared.

~ by Stéphanie K. on November 13, 2008.

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